Erectile Dysfunction Kegel Exercises Erectile Dysfunction Kegel Exercises — Kegel exercises are beneficial for erectile dysfunction (ED) as they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, improving blood flow to the genital area and enhancing the ability to achieve and maintain erections. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Male Sexual Health
PEYRONIE’S DISEASE — Organic Caster Oil

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Peyronies Disease Brisbane NewZealand Peyronies Disease Brisbane NewZealand, Peyronie’s disease is like arthritis of the penis and/or a scarring of the penis. Hi Aleena, (Query Email on 28/11/12) Please I need some urgent information, and help I have a gentleman … Continue reading
PENILE PHIMOSIS – A Foreskin that does not Retract

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Penile Phimosis Sensitive Foreskin Penile Phimosis Sensitive Foreskin, a foreskin that will not retract written by Certified Sexological Bodyworker Aleena Aspley of North Brisbane Queensland Australia. PENILE PHIMOSIS A FORESKIN THAT WILL NOT RETRACT . . WHAT IS PENILE PHIMOSIS? … Continue reading

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Prostate Cancer Warning Signs PROSTATE CANCER WARNING SIGNS: Prostate cancer is a prevalent condition among men, and recognizing its warning signs is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. Common warning signs may include urinary changes, such as frequent urination, difficulty … Continue reading
PERFORMANCE ANXIETY — How is Effects People of all Genders in the Bedroom

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Performance Anxiety Effects Everyone Performance anxiety effects everyone — a common issue among both men and women, can cast a shadow over intimate experiences and relationships. . PERFORMANCE ANXIETY . Stemming from a blend of societal expectations, personal insecurities, and … Continue reading

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NEO Tantra Testimonials Brisbane NEO Tantra Testimonials Brisbane, over the past 20 years I have collected many testimonials from my male clients. Here are just a small selections of those testimonieals. . MALE MULTIPLES MASTERY Today I coached an extremely … Continue reading