Fluid Bonding The Risks

Fluid Bonding The Risks

Fluid Bonding The Risks — A profoundly intimate connection between two individuals, can evoke deep emotions and captivate the heart. Nevertheless, as with many facets of life, it’s crucial to remain aware of the potential intricacies and risks involved. In this blog post, we will delve into a fascinating phenomenon where unprotected sex between two people can lead to feelings of “everlasting love” and the belief in having discovered one’s “true soul mate.”

We will explore the pivotal role played by hormones in forging these emotional bonds and emphasize the significance of prudent decision-making, particularly when considering the profound connections our bodily fluids can create.

Can our intimate sexual encounters in a new relationship truly revealed long-term compatibility, or have these experiences, driven by the exchange of sexual fluids, painted an overly optimistic picture?

Could the release of hormones be clouding our judgment and disguising a lack of genuine compatibility — we are actually NOT compatible long-term?

Is fluid bonding our hero or our foe when making the decision to have unprotected sex with our partner for the first time?




When it comes to forging deep connections in a new relationship, the concept of fluid bonding often takes centre stage. It’s a topic that elicits strong emotions and profound considerations.

Fluid bonding, involving the exchange of bodily fluids without the use of barriers like condoms, can create a sense of intense intimacy and profound attachment. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of fluid bonding in the context of new relationships, particularly concerning the impact it has on our long-term compatibility decisions.






Fluid bonding, a practice where two individuals share the profound experience of exchanging bodily fluids without the use of barriers like condoms, holds the potential to deeply intensify both the emotional and physical facets of a relationship.

This intimate act goes beyond the mere physical aspect of sex; it transcends the boundaries of physicality and dives deep into the realms of a profound feeling in love emotional connection, constantly thinking about your loved one and letting ourselves be open and vulnerable before we have a full evaluation of our new partner.




One of the most significant advantages of fluid bonding is the emotional depth it can bring to a relationship. It’s a tangible expression of trust and vulnerability, as both partners willingly expose themselves to each other in the most intimate way possible. This level of openness can create a profound sense of emotional connection that often goes unmatched in other aspects of the relationship.




Fluid bonding is not limited to the act of sex itself but extends to the entire spectrum of physical intimacy. It includes acts of tenderness, cuddling, and the sharing of sensual moments that, when combined with the exchange of bodily fluids, heighten the overall experience. This blend of physical and emotional intimacy can be incredibly fulfilling for both partners, awakening a sense of completeness and satisfaction.


Fluid Bonding The Risks



Fluid bonding often results in the creation of a unique bond between partners, one that is characterized by an exclusive connection that transcends the physical. The shared experience of fluid bonding can become a powerful milestone in the relationship, creating a lasting memory that reinforces the connection between partners.




The act of fluid bonding requires a high level of trust between partners. It necessitates an unspoken understanding that both individuals are committed to each other’s well-being, both emotionally and physically. This mutual trust can serve as a foundation for a deeper and more resilient relationship.




For many, fluid bonding can bring a sense of security and reassurance. It signifies a level of commitment and exclusivity in the relationship, offering both partners the comfort of knowing that they share a unique and profound connection with each other.


Fluid Bonding The Risks



Ultimately, fluid bonding can lead to a heightened sense of emotional fulfillment. It cultivates an environment where partners can express themselves freely, both physically and emotionally, without fear of judgment or rejection. This emotional freedom can be a source of immense happiness and contentment.


Fluid Bonding The Risks


Enhanced Intimacy: Fluid bonding has the potential to amplify the emotional and physical connection between partners, inviting a profound sense of intimacy together which is deeply fulfilling, satisfying and gratifying.

Improved Communication: Engaging in conversations about fluid bonding requires couples to engage in open and honest communication not only about the act itself but also about broader topics like sexual health, personal boundaries, and mutual expectations.

Trust and Vulnerability: Fluid bonding often requires a high level of trust and vulnerability, which can deepen the emotional bond between partners and enhance feelings of security.

Shared Experiences: Sharing the experience of fluid bonding can be a meaningful milestone in a relationship, providing a unique shared memory that strengthens their loving connection.




People with Vaginas: For some individuals with vaginas, entering a fluid bonded state with a partner can disrupt their natural body chemistry. This may manifest as recurrent challenges such as yeast infections or urinary tract infections (UTIs). The underlying factors often relate to your partner’s hygiene practices and the potential introduction of bacteria to your body

Risk of Incompatibility: Initiating fluid bonding in the early stages of a relationship can obscure underlying incompatibilities in areas beyond physical intimacy, including communication styles, values, and long-term aspirations. It can create the illusion of true love, fueled primarily by a surge in hormones within the body.

Emotional Attachment: The release of bonding hormones during fluid bonding, such as oxytocin, can create a powerful emotional attachment that might not necessarily align with long-term compatibility.

Pressure to Commit: Fluid bonding can create a sense of commitment and exclusivity, potentially pressuring individuals to commit to a long-term relationship before fully evaluating whether they are actually compatible together.

Sexual Health Risks: Engaging in unprotected sex carries inherent risks, including the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s essential to prioritize sexual health and safety.

Allergies: Fluid bonding, can surprisingly intersect with allergies, especially if you have specific food allergies like pineapple or shellfish. In such cases, the consumption of allergenic foods by your partner can potentially lead to an allergic reaction during sex. This occurs because, when fluid bonds, your partner’s consumption of allergens can introduce these substances into your body.

Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution to address this potential issue. In the event that you and your partner are fluid bonded, and they happen to ingest any of the foods you’re allergic to, it’s essential to take precautions to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.

One key step is ensuring thorough oral hygiene. Your partner should diligently brush their teeth to remove any traces of the allergen from their mouth. Additionally, they should focus on rigorous hand and face washing to eliminate any allergenic residue that might be present.

To further reduce the risk, it’s advisable for your partner to wait for a minimum of four hours after consuming the allergenic food before engaging in sexual activity. This waiting period allows time for their body to process and eliminate the allergen, decreasing the chances of an allergic reaction, for their partner, during sex.


Fluid Bonding The Risks

Fluid Bonding The Risks



Open Communication: Before considering fluid bonding, engage in open and honest conversations with your partner about boundaries, sexual health, and expectations for the relationship. Is there a true compatibility between each other, are we on the same path, do we see each other being together for the long term?

Compatibility Assessment: Assess your compatibility in various aspects of life beyond physical intimacy, including communication, values, interests, hobbies and long-term goals.

Protection Initially: Consider using protection initially to minimize the risk of STIs while you both have the opportunity to better get to know each other before committing to a long term relationship.

Seek Professional Guidance: If you have concerns about the pace of your relationship or are unsure about the right time for fluid bonding, consult a counselor or therapist who can provide guidance.




While many conversations about intimacy tend to centre around fluid bonding and the powerful emotions it can evoke, it’s equally crucial to underscore the significance of prioritizing safe sex and the consistent use of condoms in intimate relationships.

Opting to remain unbound by fluid bonding can help maintain a casual dynamic in a relationship, particularly when there is robust communication and a shared understanding among all parties involved that their involvement is short-term or non-committal.




Fluid bonding in a committed relationship can be a deeply enriching and positive experience, imbued with a sense of euphoria and joy that strengthens the bond between partners. For many couples, it signifies the highest level of trust and intimacy they can share, creating an emotional connection that goes beyond the physical. The act of sharing bodily fluids without the use of barriers like condoms cultivates and awakens a profound sense of vulnerability and openness, allowing partners to explore the depths of their connection with one another.

In this state of fluid bonding, the emotional and physical aspects of the relationship often become beautifully intertwined. The release of bonding hormones, such as oxytocin, can intensify feelings of love, attachment, and happiness, reinforcing the emotional closeness between partners. This deep emotional connection can lead to a greater sense of security and contentment within the relationship, as well as a heightened sense of fulfillment in both partners. Ultimately, fluid bonding can be a powerful symbol of commitment, love, and trust, bringing couples closer together and enhancing the joy they find in each other’s presence.


Fluid Bonding The Risks




Fluid bonding is a complex and emotionally charged aspect of new relationships, with both pros and cons to consider. While it can deepen intimacy and trust, it can also hide potential incompatibilities and create premature commitments that turn into disasterous relationships.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in fluid bonding should align with your long-term compatibility and the mutual well-being of both partners. By carefully navigating these waters, you can build a strong and fulfilling relationship founded on both emotional connection and loving compatibility.

Alternatively, you can opt for a friends-with-benefits arrangement, embracing a more casual and less committed relationship dynamic. If this is your chosen path, I trust that my blog has provided you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision about whether to refrain from fluid bonding and instead prioritize the use of condoms in your sexual encounters.


Fluid Bonding The Risks

Ms Aleena Aspley Certified Somatic Sexologist

Written by CSB Aleena Aspley

Certifed Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sexologist

Aleena’s bodywork studio is located in North Brisbane and is by appointment only.

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Fluid Bonding The Risks