Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations, a sexy meditation for him to harness and empower his sexual confidence in the bedroom. A blog written by Somatic Sexologist Aleena Aspley of Brisbane Australia.

Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations


Positive affirmations are powerful tools that harness the innate connection between our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Rooted in the principles of cognitive psychology, affirmations function as self-fulfilling prophecies, influencing our beliefs and actions in profound ways.

At the heart of their effectiveness lies the concept of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. When we consistently repeat positive affirmations, we stimulate the brain to create new pathways, rewiring our cognitive processes and shaping our perception of reality.

Affirmations work by shaping the content of our internal dialogue. Often, our minds are filled with automatic negative thoughts or self-doubt, which can hinder our progress and well-being.

Positive affirmations counteract these patterns by introducing constructive and empowering messages. By repeatedly affirming statements like “I am capable,” “I am worthy,” or “I can overcome challenges,” we challenge and replace limiting beliefs, ultimately fostering a more optimistic and confident outlook.

Furthermore, positive affirmations influence our emotional state and physiological responses. When we recite affirmations that evoke feelings of joy, gratitude, or self-assurance, we trigger the release of neurotransmitters and hormones associated with positivity and well-being. This can lead to reduced stress, increased resilience, and an overall improved mood. By consistently reinforcing positive emotions through affirmations, we create a feedback loop that enhances our psychological and emotional resilience, making us more adept at handling challenges and setbacks.

Affirmations work by reshaping our thought patterns, rewiring our brains, and influencing our emotional and physiological responses. Their effectiveness lies in their ability to shift our mindset, nurture self-belief, and cultivate a more constructive and empowered perspective on ourselves and the world around us. By integrating positive affirmations into our daily routines, we empower ourselves to create positive change, build resilience, and pursue our goals with renewed confidence and determination.


Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-nine Lasting Longer Affirmations


A male’s desire to prolong sexual intercourse can stem from a complex interplay of psychological, emotional, and societal factors. One significant reason is the pursuit of heightened pleasure and satisfaction, not only for themselves but also for their partners.

The belief that a longer duration of intercourse equates to more intense pleasure can drive men to seek ways to extend their performance. This aspiration to deliver maximum satisfaction to their partners underscores a genuine concern for mutual pleasure and encourages a sense of emotional connection and intimacy, enhancing the overall quality of the sexual experience.

Another compelling factor motivating men to last longer in the bedroom is the societal construct of masculinity and virility. Cultural norms and societal expectations often link sexual prowess and stamina to notions of manliness.

Consequently, men may feel a societal pressure to demonstrate endurance and control during sexual intercourse. This desire to conform to these perceived standards of masculinity can influence men’s aspirations to prolong sexual activity, as they aim to fulfill both personal and societal expectations, thereby boosting their self-esteem and sexual confidence.

The goal to extend the duration of sexual intercourse can be rooted in a desire to alleviate performance anxiety and enhance self-assurance. The fear of not meeting one’s partner’s expectations or a perceived inadequacy in bed can lead to anxiety, potentially affecting sexual performance. By focusing on lasting longer, men aim to mitigate these anxieties and establish a sense of mastery over their sexual abilities.

The ability to sustain sexual activity for a prolonged period can provide men with a sense of accomplishment, reducing performance-related stressors and enabling a more relaxed and enjoyable sexual experience for both partners.


Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations,


Determining when and how often to practice your “Lasting Longer” affirmations depends on your personal preferences and daily routine. Many individuals find starting their day with positive affirmations to be effective. By incorporating affirmations into your morning routine, you set a positive tone for the day, align your mindset with your goals, and establish a foundation of positivity. Additionally, repeating affirmations throughout the day, can build a positive construct.

Practicing affirmations before bedtime can also be advantageous. By doing so, you influence your subconscious mind during sleep, promoting a peaceful and optimistic mindset upon waking. Dedicate specific times during the day for focused affirmation sessions. Whether it’s a few minutes in the morning and evening or during breaks, consistency is key. Aim for repeating each affirmation multiple times during each session, reinforcing the positive message and allowing your lasting longer finesse to take root with confidence.

Ultimately, the timing and frequency of affirmations should align with your own rhythm and comfort level. The goal is to establish a routine that resonates with you, creating a genuine emotional connection to your “Lasting Longer” affirmations. As you integrate affirmations into your daily life, you’ll likely experience a gradual shift in your mindset and increase your self-belief and sexual confidence.


Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-nine Lasting Longer Affirmations


Find a tranquil space where you can immerse yourself in your ‘Lasting Longer‘ affirmation practice without any distractions.

Take a moment to centre yourself in the present moment by taking ten deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly through your relaxed mouth.

Set your intention for your sexy “Lasting Longer” meditation, fully believe that you already possess intimate sexual prowess skills and close your eyes and say…

“Male Multiples Mastery – I give my body permission to safely open my seven chakras, which are the main energy centres of my body.  Once awakened, I focus upwards and my arousal and excitement during sex, freely flow upwards and away from my genitals.

When my arousal and excitement safely and easily flows upwards, I easily last longer. With safety, I give permission for my body to relax, my awakened sexual kundalini travels upwards, and I can last as long as I want in the bedroom.

I Lasting Longer because my excitement and sexual energy constantly flows upwards away from my genitals into my auric Luminous Energy field. When I am ready, I focus downwards and I allow my body to ejaculate. I am open to change and I give thanks and gratitude that my body is always open to learning new skills”

Now, slowly open your eyes and read your 69 affirmations.

Read each affirmation passionately, allowing your heart, mind, and spirit to wholeheartedly believe and embrace them.


Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-nine Lasting Longer Affirmations


  1. During solo pleasure, or with another, I give permission for my body’s seven chakras to safely open
  2. During solo sexual pleasure or with my partner, I give permission for my body’s kundalini to flow upwards into my aura with safety
  3. I focus upwards and I enjoy every moment of excitement and arousal
  4. I understand my body’s signals and I intuitively relax and last longer
  5. My sexual energy flows freely upwards, bringing pleasure to my entire being
  6. I have the confidence to satisfy my partner and extend pleasure.
  7. I go with the natural flow of my excitement, feeling it in every cell of my body and auric luminous energy field
  8. I prioritize connection, first with myself, then with my partner
  9. I am confident in relaxing, breathing slowly, and fully enjoying my excitement and arousal
  10. I listen to my body, relax and go at my own pace
  11. My male brain chatter is always replaced with a meditative relaxed state of consciousness
  12. I communicate openly and ask what my partner likes
  13. I keep a calm mind, I focus upwards and I always last longer
  14. I embrace my sexual vitality, I relax into the moment and feel into my excitement into my aura
  15. I am deserving of Lasting Longer, pleasure and intimacy
  16. I fully embrace orgasm, my orgasms explodes upwards into my aura and I can orgasm without ejaculating
  17. I trust my body’s wisdom to guide me as I learn new skills to last longer
  18. I embrace my new sexual Lasting Longer confidence
  19. I communicate my sexual desires and boundaries with ease
  20. I relax and feel as every touch and sensation is felt in every cell of my body
  21. I am in tune with my partner’s energy, I can feel my partner’s sexual excitement and I intuitively know how to turn my partner on
  22. I welcome vulnerability and allow it to enhance my personal intimacy with my partner
  23. I let go of external pressures and focus solely on the pleasure of the present
  24. I am a confident and skilled lover in the bedroom
  25. I am open to exploring new sensations and discovering new heights and frequencies of orgasm
  26. I am grateful for every intimate sexual experience and I cherish the moments my orgasms are shared with another
  27. I embrace my own orgasmic uniqueness, bringing authenticity and Lasting Longer skills to every sexual encounter
  28. I radiate sexual confidence, creating an inviting and passionate atmosphere
  29. I embrace self-care and prioritize my sexual well-being
  30. I am worthy of deep, satisfying intimacy and Lasting Longer is a skill that I own
  31. I embrace the ebb and flow of passion, nurturing a dynamic, close and fulfilling connection
  32. I choose to savor every moment, letting pleasure build and expand upwards into my aura
  33. I release any performance anxiety and trust in my ability to harness my excitement and sexual energy to last longer
  34. I am attuned to my partner’s cues and I can fully feel their excitement
  35. I am open to exploring what turns me on and communicating with confidence
  36. I prioritize self-discovery, welcoming new sensations and pathways upwards to experience more and more pleasure
  37. I am a channel of my arousal and excitement, I am open to orgasm because at the point of no return my orgasm explodes upwards into my aura and I choose to ejaculate when I am ready
  38. I embrace vulnerability as a gateway to deeper intimacy and sexual connection
  39. I radiate positive sexual luminous energy, enhancing attraction and enjoyment for both of us
  40. I am present in each touch, each kiss, building an exquisite tapestry of sensation, when at the point of no return, my orgasm explodes upwards into my aura
  41. I am patient with myself and my partner, creating a safe space for sexy exploration
  42. I am the architect of my own pleasure and I last longer because my sexual kundalini energy flows upwards into my auric Luminous Energy field.
  43. I easily experience profound orgasms into my Luminous Energy Auric Orbit.
  44. I infuse each sexual encounter with love and passion, encouraging a thriving sexual bond with my intimate partner
  45. I trust in the journey of intimacy, allowing it to evolve and enrich my sexual enjoyment either solo or with my partner
  46. I extend my pleasure with each breath upwards, allowing the experience to unfold naturally into a LEO orgasm with ejaculation choice
  47. I surrender and lose control during sex, creating a satisfying and intimate sexual connection
  48. I embrace the art of pacing, savoring each moment and prolonging pleasure
  49. I trust my ability to allow my arousal to flow upwards into my auric Luminous Energy Orbit
  50. When I go into an orgasm, my orgasm explodes upwards into my auric luminous energy field.
  51. I release any sense of urgency, allowing myself to fully immerse in auric orgasmic sensations
  52. I am attuned to the rhythm of my body, harmonizing my pleasure for both of us
  53. I am a master of relaxation, aurically expanding the duration of all intimate orgasmic connections
  54. I choose to focus on the journey, finding joy in every touch, feeling and sensual caress
  55. I celebrate the power of patience, as my sexual kundalin awakens and I learn to have LEO orgasms without ejaculating.
  56. I understand that I can always ejaculate when I am ready
  57. I am present, engaged, and fully immersed in the pleasure of every auric orgasm
  58. I allow my body to have an orgasm
  59. I give permission, at the point of no return, for my orgasm to flow up my body’s kundalini energy route creating an auric luminous energy orgasm
  60. I verbalize my pleasure, so my orgasm can exit my body into my aura
  61. I give permission for my body to be multi-orgasmic and have many luminous energy auric orgasms
  62. When I am ready, I give permission for my male body to ejaculate
  63. I may enjoy many multiple orgasms and decide I don’t want to ejaculate at all
  64. I am open to my arousal building and I relinguish control
  65. When my arousal builds and I go into an auric orgasm, I bring my partner along with my experience
  66. I am anorgasmic stud in the bedroom
  67. My orgasm expands into my luminous energy auric container
  68. I allow my arousal to expand into my aura and build to higher frequencies with safety
  69. I believe in myself and I acknowledge that I can orgasm without ejaculating


Sixty-nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations,







Using Lasting Longer affirmations can positively impact a man’s ability to prolong sexual intercourse by influencing his mindset and reducing performance-related anxiety.

Affirmations are positive statements that, when repeated regularly, can shape thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. In the context of Lasting Longer in the bedroom, affirmations can provide several benefits:

  1. Boosting Confidence: Affirmations can help a man build confidence in his sexual abilities. By repeatedly affirming positive statements like “I can last longer and enjoy the experience,” he can reinforce a sense of self-assurance, which can counteract performance anxiety.
  2. Reducing Anxiety: Affirmations address the psychological aspect of Lasting Longer. By incorporating statements such as “I am relaxed and in control” or “I am free from pressure,” a man can alleviate stress and anxiety that may contribute to premature ejaculation.
  3. Enhancing Focus: Positive affirmations can help redirect attention away from concerns about time and performance. Phrases like “I am fully present and attuned to my partner” or “I am savoring each moment” can shift focus toward mutual pleasure and connection, allowing for a more enjoyable and extended experience.
  4. Promoting Mind-Body Connection: Affirmations can strengthen the mind-body connection. When a man affirms statements like “I am attuned to my body’s signals” or “I am in sync with my partner’s rhythm,” he can enhance his ability to manage arousal levels and respond to physical sensations.
  5. Patience: Affirmations can cultivate patience and a relaxed attitude toward sexual encounters. Repeating phrases such as “I am patient and embracing my orgasmic journey” can encourage a man to let go of performance pressure and embrace the gradual unfolding of the experience.
  6. Empowering Communication: Affirmations that emphasize communication, such as “I am open to discussing desires and boundaries” or “I am attentive to my partner’s needs,” can promote healthy dialogues about sexual preferences and create a supportive and understanding environment.

It’s important to note that while affirmations can be a valuable tool, they are most effective when used alongside other strategies, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and open communication with one’s partner.

Intimacy and Sex Coaching is also a valuable tool to learn to Last Longer in the bedroom — Do check out my Tantric Male Multiples Mastery bodywork offering — Aleena Aspley, Brisbane. 


Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations,






Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer AffirmationsWritten on May 17th, 2023 by Aleena Aspley, who is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker.

Aleena is open to seeing people of all genders and sexual orientations. Her Somatic Sexology & Intimacy Coaching NEO Tantric bodywork studio is located in North Brisbane, Queensland Australia.









Ms. Aleena Aspley

Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sex Educator

NEO Tantra & Chakrassage Professional


Ms Aleena Aspley Certified Sexological Bodyworker Brisbane


My Bodywork Studio: North Brisbane, Queensland

Phone: 0404 449 433 (Text me to Book)

Overseas: +61 404 449 433

By Appointment: Monday to Friday until 9pm

I work occassional weekends – just ask

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Sixty-Nine Lasting Longer Affirmations

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