Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause

Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause, a Blog written by Certified Sexological Bodyworker Aleena Aspley of North Brisbane Australia.


Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause

Andropause is a term used to describe the age-related decline in testosterone levels in men and the associated symptoms believed to be related to the lack of androgens. These symptoms can include lowered libido, decreased sense of well-being, energy, strength, and endurance, reduced muscle and bone mass, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, memory impairment, and cognitive decline.

However, there is ongoing debate regarding whether andropause, also known as “male menopause,” is a recognized condition. The causal relationship between testosterone levels and andropause-like symptoms has not been definitively established, as many of these symptoms can have multiple underlying causes. While testosterone replacement therapy can provide relief for some men experiencing certain symptoms, it is not without risks and potential problems.

Current research is focused on further understanding the risks and benefits of testosterone therapy for older men with symptoms resembling andropause. However, at this stage, there is no conclusive evidence supporting its widespread use, except in cases of diagnosed androgen deficiency. It is recommended to consult with a doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms to determine whether they are due to male hormone deficiency or other factors such as lifestyle habits, health conditions, or psychological issues.

A thorough assessment, including hormonal assays, cardiac function evaluation, lipid profile, liver function tests, and prostate examination, can help your doctor determine the best course of action. This may involve lifestyle modifications such as diet, exercise, sleep improvement, stress management, and addressing other potential contributing factors. In some cases, a trial of testosterone replacement therapy may be considered under medical supervision.


Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause

Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause


Andropause, also known as male menopause or late-onset hypogonadism, is a term used to describe the age-related decline in testosterone levels and the associated symptoms experienced by some men as they get older. While it is not universally recognized as a distinct medical condition, many men report changes in their physical, sexual, and emotional well-being during this phase of life.

The decline in testosterone levels typically occurs gradually and is a natural part of the aging process. It is estimated that testosterone levels decrease by about 1% per year after the age of 40. However, the symptoms and severity can vary widely among individuals.

Some common symptoms associated with andropause include:

  1. Decreased Libido: Many men experience a decline in sexual desire and may have difficulty achieving or maintaining erections.
  2. Fatigue and Decreased Energy: Men may feel a general lack of energy, reduced stamina, and increased fatigue.
  3. Mood Changes: Emotional symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, anxiety, and even depression can occur.
  4. Decreased Muscle Mass and Strength: Testosterone plays a role in maintaining muscle mass and strength, so its decline can lead to reduced muscle tone and strength.
  5. Increased Body Fat: As testosterone levels decline, some men may notice an increase in body fat, particularly around the abdomen.
  6. Bone Density Loss: Testosterone contributes to maintaining bone density, so its decline can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  7. Sleep Disturbances: Some men experience sleep disturbances, including insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.

It is important to note that these symptoms can have various underlying causes and may not solely be attributed to declining testosterone levels. Other factors such as lifestyle choices, chronic health conditions, medications, and psychological factors can contribute to similar symptoms.


Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause


Treatment options for andropause-related symptoms may include lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management techniques, and improved sleep hygiene. In certain cases, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional. However, the decision to undergo TRT should be carefully evaluated, taking into account potential risks and benefits, as well as individual medical history and preferences.

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with andropause, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider who can assess your specific situation and provide personalized guidance and treatment options.


Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause







Aleena Aspley is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Educator, Intimacy Coach and NEO Tantra Professional.

Male Menopause Symptoms AndropauseWritten by Aleena Aspley,
Owner of Yoni Whisperer Bodywork
North Brisbane, Queensland Australia




Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause

TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCY — Male Depression & Loss of Vitality




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Male Menopause Symptoms Andropause