Sexological Bodywork Alberta Canada
Sexological Bodywork Alberta Canada British Columbia Lorna Gale
I am excited to be sharing my offerings and my passion for being erotically alive and supporting folks in living their own erotically alive experience.
I LOVE MY WORK! I love being witness and facilitator to people coming into a deep, intimate and joyful experience of their bodies and how they are erotically alive right now.
There are so many ways to be erotically alive, and each one of us, in each moment, has the unique opportunity to experience this. There is no one way to be erotically alive; there are an infinite number of ways.
How am I being erotically alive? How are you being erotically alive? Are you curious about what is within you right now to be explored and expressed as you are? Curiosity is a great erotic ally!! I’d love to support you in exploring your erotic aliveness!
I like to describe myself as an erotic educator ~ a somatic sex educator. I came to this work of somatic sex education through my own mid-life sexual awakening. My love of life and people, touch, wholeness and teaching has led me on a fascinating and natural journey of exploring my own eroticism. The principles of Tantra ~ “Everything is an Experiment” and “The Healing Power of Pleasure / Playsure” ~ are apparent in how I live and teach. I love talking and teaching, practicing and exploring the power and pleasure of eros!
“We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover
it within themselves.” ~ Galileo Galilei
Sexological Bodywork Alberta Canada
My professional training and practice as a somatic sexologist includes studying Sexological Bodywork in Australia, Canada and California. I have trained in massage, CranioSacral Therapy, EnergyWork, I am a Sacred Intimate trained through a Tantric lens and a Certified Bondassage Practitioner.
I bring to my practice over 20 years of experience as an educator as well as an ongoing commitment to personal and professional erotic learning. No work is more Joyful than supporting people in feeling at home in their bodies and their own sexuality. As a Somatic Sex Educator, education begins with me. I educate first by living eros from the inside out, and then supporting people in doing the same in their own lives. I help people help themselves. I help them discover what is within them in their wholeness, right here, right now!
I welcome the opportunity to support you in knowing that you are erotically alive through your explorations and expressions!
Erotically Alive ~ Sex Education That Begins With YOU!
Sexological Bodywork Alberta Canada
Lorna Gale (Certified Somatic Sexologist)
Located: Alberta and British Columbia (BC)
Phone: 587-318-3806
As a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, I am honored to support your embodiment through erotic practice, and to do so, I celebrate and adhere to the protocols and ethical standards of Sexological Bodywork. This includes me using one-way touch (me to you), and I am clothed for your sessions.
Sexological Bodywork Alberta Canada
Lorna Gale, B.Ed, CSB (Certified Sexological Bodyworker) brings a love of learning, a gift for teaching (25 years exp.) and a passion for sexual wholeness to her work as a Somatic Sex Educator for Adults. Inspired by her own midlife sexual awakening, Lorna finds great joy in personal and professional erotic learning and teaching.
Lorna says, “No work is more joyful or important than supporting people in feeling at home in their bodies and their own sexuality. As a Somatic Sex Educator, education begins with my own learning. I educate first by living eros from the inside out, and then I support people in doing the same in their own lives. I help people help themselves.”
Lorna works with individuals and couples in workshops, courses, groups and private sessions. All genders and sexual orientations are welcome.
When you hear Lorna speak, you will know that her passion for this work comes from her heart, her body and her own experience. She is passionate about providing quality sex education for people hungry to know that they are erotically alive.
Thanks so much. I cannot tell you enough how powerful and life altering the things you and I have explored together have been in my life (breathing, self pleasuring, orgasmic yoga, etc.) – I am basking in the progress I have made, and excited about all that is still to come! Dana O, BC November, 2011
“As you know I find you have a gift for clear communication and a natural ability to teach…We have dealt with a subject that some might find very sensitive to share…Have felt very open and unafraid to share my deepest emotions and feelings with you, because of the energy and positive mind set you have…Our working together seems to have been a big learning experience for the both of us…We will continue the adventure and see what there is to learn…” Man, Anonymous by request , BC, 2012
“Lorna, thank you for such a wonderful breast massage. It was very healing, nourishing and pleasurable, and your touch was very present, loving, and compassionate. I experienced a release of emotional and physical blockages in and around my breasts. I feel more whole and more comfortable with my breasts as a source of pleasure and beauty in my body rather than being concerned with how they look to others.” Elizabeth, Berkeley, CA July, 2011