Kegels Prostate Health Men

Kegels Prostate Health Men – What is a Kegel exercise and why would a man exercise his pc muscle?



In the typical male anatomy, the primary responsibility for regulating the flow of urine lies with the internal sphincter muscle situated at the bladder’s neck. Should there be any compromise in the function of this sphincter, it may hinder the complete closure of the bladder neck.

This disruption often leads to various degrees of urinary incontinence. However, men possess an additional external sphincter positioned adjacent to the lower part of the prostate. Over time, this secondary sphincter can assume a portion of the control that may have been compromised due to damage to the internal sphincter.

Nonetheless, it lacks the inherent strength to independently fulfill this task. As a result, the emphasis shifts to enhancing the pelvic floor muscles’ resilience, as they play a pivotal role in bolstering the bladder and preventing it from descending. This supportive action aids in maintaining a steadfast closure of the bladder, thus offering a crucial avenue for addressing incontinence concerns.


Kegels Prostate Health Men


Enhancing the strength and resilience of the pelvic floor muscles presents a significant opportunity to mitigate the risk of incontinence, or to facilitate the restoration of continence after undergoing a radical prostatectomy. There’s no need to delay. Engaging in these exercises proactively not only positions you favorably for potential prostate surgery but also contributes to your immediate control.

Incorporating Kegel exercises into your routine offers a straightforward, convenient, and virtually effortless method to cultivate the essential tone within your pelvic floor muscles. Remarkably efficient, these exercises require a mere 4 to 8 minutes at most, either once or, if preferred, twice a day. Embracing this regimen empowers you to harness the power of your pelvic floor muscles, fostering a foundation of strength and control that can make a tangible difference in a male’s well-being.




Performing Kegel exercises is a straightforward endeavor. Remarkably, there’s no need to acquire new knowledge or skills. The fundamental Kegel movement has been ingrained within you since your early years of potty training. These exercises revolve around engaging the pelvic floor muscles, the very ones you’d instinctively contract to momentarily halt urination mid-stream or to control a bowel movement. As you can see, you’re already familiar with the foundational Kegel maneuver.

To confirm your technique, you can carry out a simple test. Place a hand on one of your buttocks and contract the pelvic floor muscles. If your buttock responds by pressing inward, you’ve successfully executed the movement.

Kegel exercises seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, offering versatility in their execution. Whether you’re lying down, sitting, standing, working, or even walking, you can engage in these exercises. The possibilities are extensive, with the exception being moments of vigorous physical activity. This adaptability allows you to incorporate Kegels into various settings, making it an accessible practice to enhance your pelvic floor muscle strength and control.


Kegels Prostate Health Men



Kegel exercises are entirely discreet, remaining imperceptible to others, and they require no specialized equipment.

Here’s a recommended exercise regimen from the Pelvic Floor Training Unit at the Incontinence Clinic in Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. The routine consists of two segments: the “long” and “short” exercises. Completing a full set of Kegel exercises will take approximately 8 minutes.



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Begin by firmly contracting your pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for a maximum of 10 seconds.

Subsequently, relax your muscles entirely for a duration of 10 seconds (not less).

Repeat this pattern for 15 cycles.

This encapsulates the essence of the exercise.

Should you experience any difficulty in sustaining a 10-second contraction initially, there’s no need for concern. With consistent daily practice, your muscles will gradually gain strength and endurance over time.

After completing as many cycles of the long exercise as possible, take an additional 30-second relaxation pause. Then proceed to the “Short” exercises.




Engage in a rapid squeeze and maintain the contraction for one second.

Allow your muscles to relax entirely for an equal duration of one second.

Repeat this sequence five times, totaling 10 seconds.

Relax your muscles completely for the following 10 seconds.

Carry out this entire sequence four or five times consecutively.





When performing Kegel exercises with precision, it’s essential to ensure that you are not inadvertently tensing or straining your stomach or lower abdominal muscles. Keep in mind that exclusively the pelvic floor muscles should be engaged during Kegel exercises. If you detect any tensing or engaging of other muscles — be it in the stomach, lower abdomen, hips, thighs, or any other area — it signifies that you may not be executing the exercises correctly.


Kegels Prostate Health Men

Kegels Prostate Health Men



Kegel exercises can potentially offer some benefits for individuals with an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

While Kegel exercises primarily target the pelvic floor muscles and are often associated with improving urinary continence and sexual function, they might indirectly assist with certain aspects of BPH management.

Here’s how Kegel exercises could potentially help with an enlarged prostate:

  1. Urinary Control: Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that support the bladder and help control urine flow. Improving the strength and coordination of these muscles may aid in better bladder control and potentially alleviate some symptoms of urinary urgency, frequency, and leakage often associated with BPH.
  2. Blood Circulation: Engaging in Kegel exercises increases blood circulation to the pelvic region. Enhanced circulation might contribute to improved overall prostate health and potentially mitigate some discomfort or inflammation associated with an enlarged prostate.
  3. Pelvic Floor Tone: A stronger pelvic floor can assist in maintaining proper organ positioning and potentially reduce pressure on the prostate gland. While it may not directly affect the size of the prostate, it could contribute to overall comfort and well-being.
  4. Sexual Function: Kegel exercises may enhance sexual function by promoting blood flow and strengthening the muscles involved in sexual response. Improved sexual function can positively impact overall quality of life for individuals dealing with BPH.

However, it’s important to note that while Kegel exercises can be beneficial, they are not a standalone solution for managing BPH. If you suspect you have an enlarged prostate or are experiencing urinary symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation, diagnose the condition, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan, which may include lifestyle modifications, medications, or other medical interventions tailored to your specific needs.

Always seek guidance from a healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen, especially if you have an existing medical condition or concerns about your prostate health.





Kegels Prostate Health Men

Kegels Prostate Health MenWritten on August 9th, 2013 by Aleena Aspley, who is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker.

Aleena is open to seeing people of all genders and sexual orientations. Her Somatic Sexology & Intimacy Coaching NEO Tantric bodywork studio is located in North Brisbane, Queensland Australia.









Ms. Aleena Aspley

Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sex Educator

NEO Tantra & Chakrassage Professional


Aleena Aspley Somatic Sexologist Brisbane Sexological Bodywork Tantric Whisperer



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Kegels Prostate Health Men

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Kegels Prostate Health Men